Repairing a Falciform Ligament Hernia During Tummy Tuck/Breast Lift Surgery: Is it Possible?

When considering a tummy tuck or breast lift surgery, it’s not uncommon for patients to inquire about the possibility of addressing other abdominal issues during the same procedure. One such question that often arises is whether a plastic surgeon could repair a falciform ligament hernia or a foramen of Winslow hernia during these surgeries. To answer this question, it’s important to understand the nature of these hernias, the procedures involved in their repair, and the expertise required.

Understanding Falciform Ligament and Foramen of Winslow Hernias

A falciform ligament hernia is a rare type of hernia that occurs when part of the intestine or other abdominal contents protrude through the falciform ligament, a thin, crescent-shaped band of tissue that connects the front of the liver to the anterior abdominal wall. Similarly, a foramen of Winslow hernia is a rare type of hernia that occurs when part of the intestine protrudes through the foramen of Winslow, a small opening between the liver and the lesser omentum.

Repairing Hernias During Tummy Tuck/Breast Lift Surgery

While it is technically possible to repair a falciform ligament hernia or a foramen of Winslow hernia during a tummy tuck or breast lift surgery, it’s not typically done for several reasons. First, these types of hernias are quite rare, so most plastic surgeons may not have the necessary experience or training to repair them. Second, the repair of these hernias often requires a more invasive procedure than a tummy tuck or breast lift, which could increase the risk of complications. Finally, the repair of these hernias is typically covered by insurance, while cosmetic procedures like tummy tucks and breast lifts are not, which could complicate the billing process.

Consulting with a Specialist

If you have a falciform ligament hernia or a foramen of Winslow hernia and are considering a tummy tuck or breast lift, it’s important to consult with a specialist. A general surgeon or a surgical gastroenterologist would be more equipped to handle these types of hernias. They can assess your condition and discuss the best course of action, which may involve separate surgeries for the hernia repair and the cosmetic procedure.


In conclusion, while it is technically possible to repair a falciform ligament hernia or a foramen of Winslow hernia during a tummy tuck or breast lift surgery, it’s not typically recommended due to the complexity of the hernia repair and the potential for increased risk of complications. It’s best to consult with a specialist to discuss your options and determine the best course of action for your specific situation.